THE Miami SEO Company
Search Engine Optimization That Works for Your Business.
Google Analytics + Adwords Certified
6 Years of Exp with SEM & SEO
Google Analytics + Adwords Certified
8 Years of Exp with SEM & SEO
Fort Lauderdale SEO Company
Fort Lauderdale is one of the most beautiful cities in sunny South Florida and it is thriving with local business owners. With a population of 168,528 (according to the U.S. Census Bureau) and a size of 36 sq miles its a perfect place to market any type of business in. Needless to say, the internet is the most powerful way to market any business in today’s modern aged society. With the hundreds of marketing companies offering SEO Fort Lauderdale is the prime place to start looking for the best company to work with.
Making the right choice is crucial, search engine optimization is by no means inexpensive, The Miami SEO Company will help you gauge your prospective company to ensure that you are making a good choice. Our consultants are standing by ready to provide you with feed back on a proposal that you receive from a marketing company, our consultants have several years of experience with SEO and have personally ranked websites for very competitive terms. We have seen countless cases where business owners signed up for SEO services in Fort Lauderdale and ended up wasting thousands of hard earned dollars on counter productive marketing services.
Our mission is to inform our clients of what real SEO is so that they can understand the value in the services they are paying for are. We don’t just send you a monthly rank report or traffic report, we provide you with key performance indicators that you the business owner care about. Examples of our reports include phone call tracking, revenue tracking, form submission tracking and virtually any type of conversion you can think of. Don’t settle for less when it comes to choosing the right search engine optimization company in Fort Lauderdale, Florida speak with a professional SEO and get some insight first.
Our project managers are Google Analytics Google Adwords accredited and they have a plethora of knowledge waiting to be shared with you. Our client success rate is at an all time high even after the “Google Penguin Update” that put many SEO firms out of business. The reason why is because we use nothing but long lasting tactics that Google appreciates. SEO is not rocket science by any means, in fact Google will tell you exactly what they want you to do in terms of SEO on Google’s Support Site.
Start marketing the right way by learning more about the way SEO works, spend some time reading about what proper SEO services entail. You can start by readying our blog which is full of helpful SEO tips and tricks including posts on how to gauge your current SEO provider to see if they are helping or harming your websites online performance. Knowledge is power, the more you know the more you can grow your business through online marketing. Your business is important to you, it is important for you to know exactly what your business is getting in terms of online marketing, call us today to learn how you can dominate your online market place. Keep in mind that our locations page has more info on the many locations we’re located at.
We're Google Partners!
Call us now to speak with a Google Analytics and Adwords certified marketing professional about your online marketing goals. We can help you put together a data driven marketing strategy that provides you with a positive ROI. Our seo experts are standing by now.
Our Latest Blog Posts
Here at The Miami SEO Company we staff industry experts that love to share their knowledge with the world via blogging. Check out some of our recent posts to learn about advanced marketing tactics that we use regularly as well as internet marketing news!