Tips for SEO Success: Don’t Reinvent the Wheel

By Jason Hawkins on July 30, 2016

company that has experience with ecommerce seoTo maximize options for your business, these simple tips for SEO success will provide strategies that need to be implemented now. These provide a long-term frame work that every competitive business should utilize.

One of the first steps to implement is a basic outlook on the industry at large. The market is oversaturated by competition; each competitor must therefore must take a broad view of what has worked and what hasn’t to best position themselves.

It is imperative that we learn from our competitors. An often repeated adage is “don’t try to re-invent the wheel.” What does that adage mean in an SEO concept? It means to analyze their websites, their strategies, etc. before you begin day one of your marketing campaign.

Their success and failure offers a compass to follow to help your business achieve success. Important questions to consider are the following:
1. What have your competitors done that works?
2. How do your competitors frame their products?
3. How do their locations influence their marketing campaigns?
While there are more questions to consider in addition these, these questions provide a starting point.

Securing Position One

It isn’t impossible to secure the top position on search engines results. When viewing the industry at-large, a useful software program is SEMRush. According to Udemy’s “Online Google Adwords Training Course,” SEMRush provides a “very thorough understanding of any websites search engine marketing foot-print.”

Manual research, such as through Google Keyword Planner, can be time consuming and less productive. Over the same time period, SEMRush can provide keywords, along with concrete data that will increase the bottom line for every business.

After securing the best keywords from the software—taking into account search volume, similar keywords, cost per click, and more—you are ready for the next step, which is to provide high quality content.

Improve Search Rank Visibility with High Quality Content

13The content that is published on your website blog will increase the rank of your business in search engines. It should come as no surprise as high quality content improves search rank visibility. Over the course of several months, the position of links should improve.

Content within these articles should discretely promote the business and their products—
grandiose claims should not be included. For instance, one of our clients sells dangerous goods hazmat shipping.

Each of our articles from that client discuss the value of having their products, then provides specific recommendations from their inventory that relates to specific values, and concludes by providing the best method to acquire their products and speak with a representative for additional information.

This works two-fold—it appeases the search engine as we sprinkle in our keywords from SEMRush, while also providing public relations efforts, as new customers can learn more about the products in a convenient manner, and learn about the business generally.

Don’t Reinvent the Wheel

A concept that was drilled in my brain by different college professors in the journalism department was the following: Don’t reinvent the wheel. This can be used for your business.

This concept can be summarized by accepting what works and what does not work. While each article on your blog should be unique, it is okay to maintain similarities in each article—otherwise, how would you be able to include specific keywords?

It is important to review competitor’s articles, along with the information provided from SEMRush. Important information, such as how to they position their products, how often do they publish, and how they promote their content should be considered.

As you analyze this information, one will quickly understand what is working and what isn’t as the top search engine results will all carry similarities. Having discovered the secret to their performance, it can then be applied to your business.

It is imperative to differentiate your products from your competitors at this point by clarifying the advantages your products offer and the satisfaction your customers have received from the products you are promoting. It is also imperative to not become deviated and maintain focus on your keywords that you have chosen.

Returning to our client in the dangerous goods hazmat shipping industry, one way they are different from their competitors is they are family owned and operated. We highlight this difference and include the value of dealing with a company that holds scrupulous, family-ordinated values.

It is important to think clearly about the advantages your business has over their competitors. Our meticulous methods guarantee results in the long-run. While our example may not specifically work with your company, there are similarities that are consistent and can be implemented to your own unique marketing campaign.

Hire The Miami SEO Company

The information provided in this article may make you question everything you thought you knew about SEO Success. We understand this, and we want to help. (The information covered in this article goes into more detail on our Udemy course.)

If you prefer to get the ball rolling now on improving your SEO success, we recommend reaching out to our team. The representatives from our company can quickly access the strengths and weaknesses of your business online presence. From there, they can provide specific and actionable solutions.

Over the course of a couple months, the hard work our team provides will quickly become apparent as your business secures top position for a variety of keywords, thereby leading to new customers and increased bottom line performance.

Our representatives can be reached at (866) 886-0374 seven days a week, from 9 a.m. to 10 p.m. We will be happily awaiting your call and improving your business success. During non-working hours, we recommend that you visit,  E-commerce SEO Company on our website, or to visit our blog.

Our blog provides a variety of articles related to SEO and PPC performance. These are highly informative and are an asset to businesses interested in following the latest developments in the industry. The information held within are from experienced professionals in the field who have a unique insight.

About The Author

Jason Hawkins
Jason Hawkins /

Jason Hawkins is the CEO & Co-Founder of The Miami SEO Company. He has over ten years of experience in search engine optimization, conversion rate optimization and lead generation. His core responsibilities include identifying ways to increase value of services rendered, training staff on advanced SEO topics, and A/B testing internal processes to consistently improve client return on investment.

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