Why Choose Us

By Jason Hawkins on August 18, 2014

Well…Do You Like Free?

We’re the only digital marketing company (that we’re aware of) that is offering a 100% FREE digital marketing campaign to qualified businesses. You may be wondering how do you qualify? As you might imagine – there are several different types of businesses so it is on a case by case basis. However, one requirement is that your business do $50,000.00 in gross sales per month. You might net only $5k and that is OK. Feel free to give us a call or fill out our form to see if you meet the other qualification!

Don’t mistake free for low-quality. The proof is in the pudding. Our company ranks in the #1 result for keywords like Miami SEO Company. Also – our free digital marketing campaign will attract the low hanging fruit and you’ll find yourself on Page One of Google throughout the month. After the free campaign, if you notice an uptick in business we can always provide you with a proposal to scale the campaign. Need more evidence for your due diligence?

We’ve been at this for over 13 year now. In fact, 10 years ago we submitted campaigns to the US search awards. Each year, Pubcon sponsors the US Search Awards in Las Vegas Nevada where marketing agencies from around the world compete to become recognized as the best of the best. There are several categories from which advertisers can submit a marketing campaign case study and the judges (who are well known marketing guru’s) select the best campaign to give the award to during the cerimony. We were nominated alongside companies that managed the PPC campaign for Microsoft, PGA Tour and HSNBC last year for “Best PPC Campaign”. We are very proud to announce that this year, we have been nominated for the Best SEO Campaign alongside marketing agencies that were managing the campaigns for Chevrolet and HP! Literally thousands of marketing agencies from around the world apply in hopes of being nominated on the short list or winning the 1st place prize. We’re very humbled by this amazing accomplishment and recognition for our hard work. You can view the rest of the nominee’s and their respective award categories by visiting the official US Search Awards website. Check it out here!

1559250_10152282490713122_7779245017726960215_oIf you’re hunting around for a marketing company to handle your marketing or creative initiatives, you may want to read this page which will showcase our accomplishments and touch on what makes us a unique marketing company. Of course if you’d prefer to come into our office to meet face to face, our office doors are always open for prospects to come in for a free consultation! As a consumer, it’s important that you do your research on us or any marketing company that you intend on hiring or considering as your service provider. SEO is a business that in general has been saturated with many unqualified start up companies claiming to be experts and they often can do more damage than good to your website. Here at The Miami SEO Company we generate our leads by ranking our website on Google which proves we know how to get websites to rank for competitive keywords but that isn’t enough. We go above and beyond in all aspects to differentiate ourselves from the competition as the elite search engine marketing firm of South Florida and this page will outline a few important points for your to consider.


First, it’s important to know that our corporate name is Profitable Web Properties which is owned by a holding company named eCommerce Web Holdings. It’s also worthy to note that every single one of our marketing consultants and project managers hold their Google Analytics & Adwords certifications (including the most recent certification for Ecommerce Analytics). We don’t have an annoying telemarketing team that calls business owners trying to solicit them, our customers find us on Google, ranking at the top of the results for keywords that are extremely competitive. We have clients that spend over $300,000 USD per month and clients that spend $1,000 per month on advertising, the common denominator is that they all have phenomenal conversion rates and ROI that continues to trend in a positive direction. We are a data driven marketing company that sells on ROI not keyword rankings because that doesn’t necessarily always translate into profit.

A Driven Marketing Company That Focuses on Conversions!

AdWords Campaigns Google Analytics

The way our service works is simple, we identify our your key performance indicators (KPI’s) first, whether its phone calls, web form submissions, e-commerce transactions etc. With Google Analytics, we track those KPI’s meticulously and create custom reports that allow you to monitor your conversions and progress in real time 24 hours a day. With Google Analytics you can see how much your leads are costing you whether it’s a phone call lead or contact form lead. If you have an eCommerce store that sells products online, we can track your ROI down to the exact dollar for each product that you advertise. There is no guessing, you will know if your marketing budget is providing you with a return that is suitable for your business model.

Research SEO Companies Before Hiring Them!

Unfortunately, there are a ton of SEO companies out there that over promise and under-deliver. Some are even scams and will get your website penalized so it’s critical that you do your research on your marketing company before hiring them. Google has a really great article published on their support page called “Do You Need an SEO” and I encourage all of our prospects to read it as it clearly outlines what to look for in a professional marketing company that offers SEO. Alternatively, this article also explains how to point out a company that is a scam or that is not experienced enough to handle the task of managing your marketing efforts on search engines. Like any wise consumer should, I think it’s best that if you are going to do your due diligence on our company that you check out some of the accomplishments we have recently made by following the links below:

Where We’re Featured – This page will answer a question which you should be asking all SEO vendors before making your decision. See where we are featured online and also note that we are a Google certified partner company. We have been recognized as an industry professional by many well known businesses such as the Search Engine Journal, SEMRush.com, Ahrefs, and more!

SEO Case Studies – a page with some of our clients most recent results and case studies outlining the success of our most recent clients.

PPC Case Studies – our PPC case studies page where you can see some of the results our PPC campaigns are experiencing.

Why You Should Work With Us

Now it’s time for the golden question, what makes us the best internet marketing company to work with? Well, that’s a great question and unlike most SEO companies, when asked that question we do not dance around the question, we give solid answers.

The reality of the matter is, you should be weary of hiring just any old online marketing company because of the fact that there are many technical procedures involved and as a business owner, it can be hard tell the difference between a good SEO and a bad one. The good thing is that Google is doing a great job at filtering out the bad SEO companies from showing up on Google. They do this by making their ranking algorithm more and more complex so that people who deserve the top spot actually end up getting it by working hard for it. Additionally, by penalizing websites that practice “black hat” or manipulative techniques, Google has over time developed a ranking landscape that is regulated fairly. Enough with the technical jargon, let’s get to the important stuff!

6 Qualities That a Qualified Online Marketing Company Has

A Professional SEO Company
1. Is a Google Partner certified company.
2. Has a great website that ranks on Google.
3. Has in house content writers.
4. Offers performance based models.
5. Is well known on the web.
6. Doesn’t have negative reviews online.

Our SEO company
1. We are a verified Google partner company.
2. Here are the keywords we rank for.
3. We have an in-house content writing small army.
4. We offer performance based models.
5. See where we are featured here.
6. Go ahead, Google us 🙂

These are the types of things you should look for in a company when prospecting marketing companies or SEO companies. There are so many start ups that are posing to be the pros and unfortunately they are still using antiquated link building techniques that do not work. Be cautious and take the time to heavily research your company! If you have any other questions, please do not hesitate to call or email one of our friendly staff members. 🙂


About The Author

Jason Hawkins
Jason Hawkins / http://www.themiamiseocompany.com

Jason Hawkins is the CEO & Co-Founder of The Miami SEO Company. He has over ten years of experience in search engine optimization, conversion rate optimization and lead generation. His core responsibilities include identifying ways to increase value of services rendered, training staff on advanced SEO topics, and A/B testing internal processes to consistently improve client return on investment.

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