eCommerce SEO Company – Multi Channel Marketing

By Jason Hawkins on September 4, 2013

E-commerce sites are making the shift from single marketing methods to multi channel marketing to get the most out of their marketing campaigns. Using diverse marketing channels to promote your products will give you an edge over your competition and result to a higher ROI which is why online marketing is becoming so popular.


Most eCommerce website owners focus on the same promotional methods used by their competitors. For example, most sites rely on pay per click (PPC) to reach new and existing customers. The problem with using a single promotional technique is that your traffic and sales can be affected by external market factors. For instance, after Google rolled out the Penguin algorithm update, many businesses that were relying entirely on SEO to drive traffic lost sales when their websites lost their high rankings. If you have a diversified marketing plan or a multi channel marketing plan you would not be effected by these types of changes. The good thing about working with us is that we always use techniques that search engines would reward no matter what the future algorithms will bring us. The reason why is because we understand the purpose of a search engine which is to provide searchers with relevant answers that are reliable and that provide a good user experience.

Diversifying your marketing methods is playing safe with your website traffic and customers. In case one method is affected by external factors such that it is no longer effective, you will still be able to generate sales from other marketing methods. Using multi-channel marketing makes your business more flexible, creates stability in sales and as long as you have a professional marketing company like ours, you will increase your ROI. Some of the promotional methods you should use for your e-Commerce site include social media campaigns, SEO strategies, content marketing and PPC campaigns. Let’s briefly explain what the benefits of these promotional methods include.

social media ecommerce seo company

Social Media Marketing

Social media marketing is more than simply starting a Facebook page for your business. In reality it involves establishing your company’s presence on social media sites and connecting with prospective buyers through strategically building a targeted audience. You do not need to have a presence on all social media platforms but the ones that matter. Linkedin, Facebook, Google + are all great places to start but there are many more social media sites that are specific to your industry, our team has a great way of sniffing out these online communities and getting engaged with the right type of people to bring you more business.

Social media marketing has to be planned, implemented and monitored to ensure that its achieving the overall objectives of the marketing plan. Some of the ways through which you can measure the impact of your social media campaigns include the number of new followers or fans, amount of activity on your social media pages or accounts, number of inquiries for your product coming from social media followers, sales resulting from social media PPC campaigns, among others. Tools like Google Analytics are great for tracking these types of conversions and metrics.


SEO Strategies

SEO has been the best way of getting natural search traffic to e-commerce websites for a long time. Making sure that your site’s on-page elements are optimized for search engines is crucial to getting high rankings. Make sure you use Alt tags, H1 tags and keywords in your content. Also, provide a good user experience on your website. Reduce the checkout time, use sharp and crisp product images and improve your site’s load speed.

Make sure you build high quality back links to your product and category pages to get top place rankings. The back links should be coming from diverse sources such as article directories, blogs, forums and more. The links should be coming from pages trusted by Google, not link farms. To learn more about the “SEO basics” you can read out blog posts in the search engine optimization category.

Content Marketing

Content has and will always be king in online marketing. Without content, your website cannot rank for the keywords that users type on Google when searching for your products. Research your market to know the keywords they type when searching for your product. Software like Google Adwords, Market Samurai and others can help you with keyword research.

Make sure your content is not stuffed with keywords. For ecommerce sites, users are looking to find out more about a product before they buy. Therefore, your product descriptions should be unique and helpful. Avoid using the same description that manufacturers provide for their products. These descriptions are usually technical and will not add value to your visitor. Explain the features of the product, the available sizes, colors and other points that users will want to know before they buy.


Paid Marketing

Paid marketing refers to advertising methods such as pay per click (PPC marketing), buying banner ad space and so on. The important thing to remember with paid marketing is to target a well-defined group of prospects and constantly improve upon the campaign by using analytic data from Adwords and Google Analytics. For PPC, make sure you come up with keyword groups that contain the commercially viable keywords that your target buyers type on Google.

Since PPC can be expensive on Google Adwords, explore other paid avenues. For example, you can pay to have your banner advertisement shown in a niche forum or a website with high traffic. You contact the webmaster of the site where you wish to advertise and find out how much it will cost to have your ad on the site. Our team of paid advertising specialists can take your business to heights through diversified paid marketing campaigns. We have Google Adwords certified individuals standing by waiting to provide you with a consultation.


The Importance of Diversifying You Campaigns

Diversifying your marketing campaigns gives you leverage against forces that can affect your promotional methods. By adopting a multi-channel marketing approach, you can get more traffic and leads at a lower cost. For instance, you can generate leads from SEO and social media marketing for free. Another advantage of using multiple promotional channels is that you get to learn more about your customers. For example, you can interact and communicate with prospects and customers on Facebook and Twitter. The feedback you get from your present customers and critics can help you position your products address the needs of your customers in a more relevant manner. You can also get crucial data about our customers to provide more relevant products through precise online targeting and retargeting. Email marketing surveys and social media marketing can help you understand the needs of your customers better.

While running a multi channel marketing campaign, it important to track the performance of every campaign to know where you should tweak to improve performance and which campaigns need to be abandoned. Pause all campaigns that are resulting to losses or that do not result into the expected ROI. Not all marketing campaigns may be for your ecommerce store. Experiment with different methods to find those that are resulting to a substantial ROI. These are the campaigns you should then focus on, this is what a professional ecommerce SEO company like ours can do for you.

About The Author

Jason Hawkins
Jason Hawkins /

Jason Hawkins is the CEO & Co-Founder of The Miami SEO Company. He has over ten years of experience in search engine optimization, conversion rate optimization and lead generation. His core responsibilities include identifying ways to increase value of services rendered, training staff on advanced SEO topics, and A/B testing internal processes to consistently improve client return on investment.

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